Obama’s Historic Visit to Cuba.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 21.
PROGRAM # 7743 12:00 PM PT

Obama’s Historic Visit to Cuba.

President Obama visits Cuba, the first sitting US president to visit the island in 90 years, for a two-day set of activities to further affirm the normalizing of relations. Traveling with the entire First Family and a large congressional delegation, Obama is scheduled to address a large Cuban audience in Havana. Analysts comment on the political climate surrounding the arrival, the recent agreements and the future of the new relations.

Guests: Rep. Sam Farr, D-Monterey, Member of the Cuba Working Group, Washington, DC; Dr. Maria Isabel Alfonso, Professor, St. Joseph College, Member of Cuban Americans for Engagement, New York, NY; José Pertierra, The Law Office of José Pertierra, Expert on International Law, Cuban-American, Washington, DC; President Obama and President Raúl Castro (audio segments from news conference), Havana.

Photo: vermelho.org.br

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