Hacia el Voto 2020.

Thursday_673x324 12(1)THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17
PROGRAM #9010 12:00 PM PT

Hacia el Voto 2020.

A campaign of attacks and disinformation from the White House against the US Postal Service and voting by mail is sowing confusion among Latino voters. Analysts comment on myths and truths about mail voting and provide information for first-time voters about the options to vote, including voting by mail. They also comment about a disinformation campaign with racist, anti-Black and anti-Jewish overtones, targeting Latino voters in Florida. A veteran political leader gives an idea about the rising clout of the Latino, young vote in Arizona, a battleground state, and a civic leader explains four state measures in California’s November ballot, including Proposition 15, which taxes high-priced properties to raise funds for schools; Proposition 16, to restore affirmative action; Propositin 17, to give people on parole the right to vote is gaining ground, as well as Proposition 18, to allow 17-year-olds voting in primaries. This is a program of the series Hacia el Voto 2020.

Guests: Ben Monterroso, Senior Advisor, Poder Latinx, Los Angeles, CA; Alfredo Gutierrez, Former Majority and Minority Leader of Arizona State Senate, Phoenix, AZ

Photo: theaustinbulldog.org 

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