Voter Fraud or Suppression?

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 19
PROGRAM # 8113 12:00 PM PST.

Voter Fraud or Suppression?

President Trump’s voter fraud panel meets today after asking states to turn over information about voters. Many states have refused to comply with the request and critics say this move is intended to create voting laws and procedures to suppress the urban and minority vote. Trump created the commission after he lost the popular vote by nearly three million and claimed voter fraud is to blame, and at a time when his campaign is being investigated about suspected collusion with Russia to interfere in the November election. Analysts comment on the first commission’s meeting.

Guests: Judge Cruz Reynoso, Former member, US Commission on Civil Rights, Boochever and Bird Professor of Law, School of Law, UC Davis, Davis, CA; Andrea Senteno, Civil Rights Attorney, Washington, DC; (audio cut) President Trump, Addressing Presidential Advisory Commission Members, Washington, DC.


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