Town Hall: Valadao vs. Cox. Part 2.

Monday 20_673x324MONDAY, OCTOBER 15
PROGRAM # 8447 6:00 PM PT

Town Hall: Valadao vs. Cox. Second Part.

Voters and residents of California Congressional District 21, a battleground district in the fight for Congress, meet in Sanger to air testimonies and questions on the most pressing issues for Latinos in this Central Valley area. While Republican incumbent David Valadao declined to participate, Democratic challenger TJ Cox engaged in a dialogue with residents of this majority Latino district on issues including unemployment and good paying jobs, health care for the elderly, solutions for Dreamers and immigrant families, water quality, and others. This forum, an expanded edition of Radio Bilingüe’s series “Hacia el Voto 2018,” is convened in partnership with KQED Public Radio.

Guests: TJ Cox, Democratic Candidate to the US House; Alex Hall, Moderator, KQED; Samuel Orozco, Host, Radio Bilingüe; Civic Leaders, Community Activists and Local Residents.

Photo: Maria de Jesus Banks

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