Town Hall: Nunes vs. Janz.

PROGRAM # 8450 5:00 PM PT

Town Hall: Nunes vs. Janz.

California Congressional District 22 is another key battlefield in the fight for Congress. Republican incumbent Devin Nunes is facing a tough challenge from Democratic challenger Andrew Janz. In partnership with Faith in the Valley, Radio Bilingüe hosted a public forum with voters and residents to hear from congressional candidates on pressing issues facing the Central Valley. Only Andrew Janz showed up and addressed questions on the health reform law ACA, the plans to expand the rules on public charge, the Dream Act, the ban against Muslims, water quality in communities around the district, and his commitment to meet with and be held accountable by his constituents This forum is an edition of Radio Bilingüe’s special series “Hacia el Voto 2018.”

Guests: Andrew Janz, Democratic Candidate to Congress, CD 22, Fresno, CA; Samuel Orozco, Host, Radio Bilingüe; Salman Khan, Moderator of the Program, Faith in the Valley; Five Community Guest Speakers; Written Questions from the Audience.

Photo: Lucia Orozco

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