Flores del Desierto Also, Massacre in Allende.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, MAY 23
PROGRAM # 8343 12:00 PM PT

Flores del Desierto.

A prominent Mexican journalist and activist visiting California speaks about her work “Flores del Desierto,” in which she offers a portrait of outstanding, though little-known, indigenous women who play extraordinary leading roles in their communities in diverse regions of Mexico.

Guest: Gloria Muñoz, Director and Founder, Web Portal Desinformémonos, Mexico City.

Massacre in Allende. A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist speaks about her research into a massacre in a town along the border of Mexico and Texas, in which hired assassins from a drug cartel killed or disappeared 200 people, and in which both the Mexican and the U.S. government are responsible.

Guest: Ginger Thompson, Journalist and Producer, “Massacre in Allende”, Audible/ProPublica, New York, NY.

Photo: resumenlatinoamericano.org

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