Finalizing New Maps.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 9465 12:00 PM PDT

Finalizing New Maps.

Eighteen states have now finalized their congressional maps and California and Florida have released their drafts. In Colorado, new political maps designed by an independent commission are being approved after Latino groups warned that they dilute the power of Latino voters. In California, Latino leaders say the draft maps of the state’s independent commission don’t fully take into account the growth of the Latino population and electorate and heavily Latino counties will be affected. Community leaders comment on their fight for fair maps ahead of the 2022 election.

Guests: Ricardo Ramirez, Advisor, Voting Rights and Elections Program, The Brennan Center for Justice, New York, NY; Angel Ruiz, Civic Engagement Coordinator, The Dolores Huerta Foundation, Tulare, CA; Mike Cortes, Executive Director, Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy and Research Organization – CLLARO, Denver, CO (TBC).


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