Final Primaries.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JUNE 7.
PROGRAM # 7799 12:00 PM PT

Final Primaries.

Voters go to the polls today in six states for the virtual finale of the primaries season. And as news agencies declare Clinton has the delegates to be the presumptive candidate, the fight is still close in California, the largest state, and New Mexico, the state with the highest percentage of Latinos. The issues driving Latinos to the polls, the expected surge in voter turnout, congressional races to watch, and the efforts to get out the vote, are discussed in this election-day special.

Guests: Araceli Martínez, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; Uriel Garcia, Reporter, Santa Fe New Mexican, Santa Fe, NM; Clarissa Martínez de Castro, Deputy Vice President, Director of Latinos Vote 2016 Campaign, National Council of La Raza, Washington, DC.


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