Rising Political Star. Also, Voter Waiting Lines.

Thursday_673x324 12THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29
PROGRAM #9064 12:00 PM PT

Rising Political Star.

One million people have voted in Harris County, breaking early voting records. More people voted in this Texas county on the first day of early voting that in the whole state of Georgia. Lina Hidalgo, the first woman and Latina county judge to lead Harris County, talks about this historic turnout despite unprecedented efforts to suppress the vote. She also explains her work managing the coronavirus pandemic.

Guest: Lina Hidalgo, Chief Executive, Harris County, Houston, TX.

Voter Waiting Lines. Pennsylvania is becoming ground zero for court battles on mail-in voting. Also, Georgia’s voter lines in nonwhite areas have grown because voter registration has surged and yet polling places have been cut by 10 percent. Analysts comment on these stories. They also discuss the school funding initiatives in the ballot of Arizona and California and the state measures to reform elections in the ballot of Nevada, Colorado and Florida.

Photo: imdhouston.org 

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