Scrutiny on Abuse Against Latino Voters.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, APRIL 4
PROGRAM # 8578 12:00 PM PT

Scrutiny on Abuse Against Latino Voters.

The US House is investigating voter irregularities in Texas and Kansas. The House wants to know the role of former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach in the decision by Ford County in Kansas to move the only polling place in Dodge City outside the city limits during the recent midterm elections, affecting the Latino majority in the city. The House is also looking into the measures taken in January by Texas’ secretary of state to purge voter rolls after claiming that nearly 100,000 may not be US citizens. On other story, a Democratic strategist comments on the prospects and challenges for the campaign of Julian Castro, the only Latino in the race for the US presidential nomination.

Guests: Jose Vargas, Concerned Citizen, Dodge City, KS; Luis Vera, Jr., Attorney, National General Counsel, LULAC, San Antonio, TX; María Echaveste, Former Deputy Chief of Staff in President Clinton’s White House, Social Researcher at University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.


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