To Impeach or Not to Impeach. Also, Virginia Election: the Eve.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6
PROGRAM # 8193 12:00 PM PST.

To Impeach or Not to Impeach.

A new effort to impeach President Trump was launched by Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, who announced he and a group of Democrats will file articles of impeachment before Thanksgiving. An expert in American politics comments on the grounds for impeachment and the viability of the effort.

Guest: Dr. Marcela García-Castañón, Professor, Political Science, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

Virginia Election: the Eve. In an election that may have ramifications beyond the state, voters are getting ready to go to the polls on Tuesday in Virginia. The Republican gubernatorial candidate has campaigned with images of tattooed and handcuffed Latinos, in the style of Trump’s campaign. In response, in a TV ad, a Latino group has associated the Republican campaign with confederates and racism. Racially charged mailers have also targeted Elizabeth Guzman, one of two candidates who are running to become the first Latina members of the Virginia House. Guzmán comments on those attacks, on the weight of the Latino electorate in her district, and her plans for reform in the legislature.

Guest: (Recorded Interview) Elizabeth Guzmán, Candidate, Virginia House of Delegates, Richmond, VA.


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