Tackling the Affordable Housing Crisis.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JUNE 13
PROGRAM # 8628 12:00 PM PT

Tackling the Affordable Housing Crisis.

Amid reports that the numbers of people living on the streets, in cars or in shelters continue to rise unchecked, California Gov. Gavin Newsom is proposing to double spending on homelessness. He has also announced proposals to tackle the housing cost crisis, including help to build new housing, and called on the legislature to give relief for renters against evictions and rising rents. State officials and local advocates from areas in the epicenter of the housing crisis join this program to discuss this pressing issue.

Guests: Michael Lane, Deputy Director, Silicon Valley at Home, San Jose, CA; Johnny Oliver, Associate Director of Community Real Estate, Mission Economic Development Agency-(MEDA), San Francisco, CA

Photo: greenlining.org

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