Ex-Argentine Officer on Trial over Role in Massacre. Also, Latest Jan 6 Hearings.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JUNE 27
PROGRAM # 9665 12:00 PM PT

Ex-Argentine Officer on Trial over Role in Massacre.

Fifty years after the Trelew Massacre in Argentina, the only fugitive goes to trial today in the United States. Former Lieutenant Roberto Bravo is being sued in Miami for the damage caused by his alleged role in the execution of 16 militants detained in Rawson’s prison. Based on the Torture Victims Protection Act, families of the victims are suing Bravo, who is also facing an extradition process. The Trelew Massacre helped pave the way for the state terror that gripped Argentina for a decade.

Guest: Claret Vargas, Senior Staff Attorney, Center for Justice and Accountability, San Francisco, CA.

Latest Jan 6 Hearings. The latest hearings of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol highlighted the intense pressures by the Trump team on state election officials to have the presidential election overturned and Trump’s role in a fake electors scheme. The Arizona House speaker testified about his resistance to Trump pressure to pass a bill that would have illegitimately allowed the state legislature to reject election results and Georgia officials testified about vicious acts of intimidation against state officials. Journalists also report on the human costs of the death threats and hate attacks by Trump supporters against election workers and officials.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Political Reporter, Washington, DC; Elvia Díaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Gerardo Guzmán, Director, Hispanic News Service, Atlanta, GA

Photo: Center for Justice and Accountability via Facebook

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