Search for the Common Dream. “Public Charge” Deadline. The Border: A War Zone?

Monday_673x324MONDAY, DECEMBER 10
PROGRAM # 8495 12:00 PM PT

Search for the Common Dream.

At a time when a divisive rhetoric on immigrants from Central America is threatening to alienate Latinos, leaders from various Latino backgrounds meet at the United Nations headquarters to seek common ground and pledge to work on dispelling false perceptions and promoting awareness about the contributions and power of the Latino community.

Guest: Claudia Romo Edelman, Founder, We Are All Human Foundation, Editor of Thrive Global, New York, NY.

“Public Charge” Deadline. Today is the deadline for the public to comment on the Trump administration’s proposed changes to the “public charge” rules, which would penalize green card applicants if they have received public help with food, healthcare or housing. This proposal has already raised fears in immigrant communities about using Medicaid coverage or going to the doctor. Advocates warn that these fears to use services will harm mostly the children and people of color, this will lead to a public health crisis, and this in turn will impact the economy.

Guest: Mayra Alvarez, President, The Children’s Partnership, Los Angeles, CA.

The Border: A War Zone? after testifying before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the escalation of the militarization of the Southwest border, a civil rights advocate discusses how this is leading to more civil rights abuses and tragedies.

Guest: Cynthia Pompa, Advocacy Manager, Border Rights Center, ACLU, Washington, DC.


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