Kavanaugh Hearing Begins.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5
PROGRAM # 8418 12:00 PM PT

Kavanaugh Hearing Begins.

The Senate confirmation hearing for US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is beginning amid an intense debate over his opinions on civil rights, abortion, and presidential power. Former White House counsel to Nixon is in the witness list to “speak about the abuse of executive power.” Among the first cases that are expected in the new court are the question on the constitutionality of Obamacare, the lawsuit against Harvard’s affirmative action, and the DACA programs. What to expect?

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, reportero, Washington, D.C.; Yali Nuñez, Director and Spokesperson of Hispanic Media, Republican National Committee, Washington, D.C.; Sen. Bob Menendez, NJ-D, Washington, D.C.; Claudia Powell, Public Communications Manager, Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: global-news-network.org

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