Elections: What’s Next.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8
PROGRAM # 8473 12:00 PM PT

Elections: What’s Next.

The Democrats regained control of the House and a record number of women and persons of color were elected to the House. Political analysts discuss the meaning of the election results. They comment on the impact of the balance of power in Congress on judicial appointments, the independent counsel investigation, and the debate on immigration, health care, and climate change. They also comment on the meaning of the results for issues such as voting rights and the change in the House seats distribution in 2020. They also comment on the strong showing of Democrats in Texas, behind the campaign of Beto O’Rourke, and the future for this blue wave in this conservative state.

Guests: Juliana Cabrales, Mid-Atlantic Director of Civic Engagement , NALEO Education Fund, Raleigh, NC; Marielena Hincapié, Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center, Los Angeles, CA; Lydia Camarillo, Vice President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, San Antonio, TX; Vanessa Cardenas, Communications Director, EMILY’s List, Washington, D.C.

Photo: campaignlegal.org

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