Texas Midterm Elections.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31
PROGRAM # 9731 12:00 PM PT

Texas Midterm Elections.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (Republican) and Democratic challenger Rochelle Garza, a civil rights attorney, are virtually tied in the battle for the state’s chief legal office. The race for Texas governor is also tightening. Civic leaders examine those news, the congressional races to watch in Texas, and the fight for the Latino voters in this state, with Republicans opening a number of Hispanic community centers and Democrats seeking to increase Latino turnout in local and state races. Listener voters also comment on the bigger importance this year of issues such as abortion rights, gun violence and the economy.

Guests: Antonio Arellano, Vice President of Communications, NextGen America, Houston, TX; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Project, San Antonio, TX.

Photo: Office of the Texas Secretary of State via Facebook

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