Elections in El Salvador.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, MARCH 1
PROGRAM # 9181 12:00 PM PST

Elections in El Salvador.

Sunday’s legislative elections in El Salvador gravitate around the current president, businessman Nayib Bukele, a popular hard-right figure who once led a military assault on the legislature and is called the Trump of Central America. What’s the impact of the election results on El Salvador’s relations with the US and Mexico? Guests analysts provide news and analysis. News on the confirmation vote for the remaining Latino nominees to Biden’s cabinet, and the latest news on the third stimulus bill are also discussed in this edition.

Guests: Leonel Herrera, President, ARPAS Community Radio Network, San Salvador, ES; Oscar Chacón, Executive Director, Alianza Américas, Chicago, IL; Others TBA.

Photo: oas.org

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