Elections: Countdown.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3
PROGRAM # 7919 12:00 PM PT

Elections: Countdown.

Early voting is fully underway in battleground states and early voting numbers show a surge in Latino voters. Women are also turning out to vote in higher numbers than usual. Latina advocates are spearheading campaigns to elect candidates across the nation, including Nevada’s Catherine Cortez-Masto to the US Senate, Dori Garza to the Texas Supreme Court and Susana Mendoza to Illinois Comptroller. Analysts comment on these developments, on the impact of Latinos in battleground states and on the claims of voting fraud by some campaigns.

Guests: Vanessa Cardenas, Director of Strategic Communications, Emily’s List, Washington, DC; Hector Barreto, Chairman, The Latino Coalition, Los Angeles, CA; Dr. Lisa García Bedolla, Chancellor’s Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

Photo: radiovisa.tv/blog

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