Elections 2014.

wednesday-kern_archivosHosts Chelis Lopez and Samuel Orozco report and comment on election news events. In Texas, a federal court gives the green light to Texas’ Voter Identification Law for the November election, despite calling it unconstitutional and discriminatory. Also, cities in California and several states have propositions that would raise the minimum wage in the ballot. Also, in the ballot in San Francisco and Berkeley are two propositions that would impose a tax on sugary drinks. In this edition, a civil rights attorney discusses the lawsuit brought before the Kern High School District in California, alleging violation of civil rights and discrimination against students of color who are being suspended and expelled in disproportionate numbers.

Guest: Martha Gomez Staff Attorney, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), Los Angeles, CA, http://www.maldef.org

Photo: Dolores Huerta Foundation/Facebook

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