Virginia Election: A Test for Latinos.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3
PROGRAM #9430 12:00 PM PDT

Elections in Virginia and New Jersey: Takeaways.

In today’s governor’s races, Republicans gave Democrats a heavy blow in Virginia and Democrats emerged reelected but bruised in New Jersey. An Afro Latina running to make history as a lieutenant governor was defeated in Virginia. This is a report on the first results of the elections in Virginia and New Jersey. A community leader in Virginia comments on the role of Latino voters in the outcome, the impact this election may have in the 2022 midterms and the future of immigrant protection laws in Virginia. Another political analyst also comments on the new and controversial political maps in Texas, and the road ahead for legal challenges brought by civil rights groups.

Guests: Jose Lopez Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, Executive Director, Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, Arlington, VA; John Mckiernan-González, Jerome and Catherine Supple Professor of Southwest Studies, Director, Center for the Study of the Southwest, Associate Professor, History, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX


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