California Recall Election.

Monday 3 673x341MONDAY, JULY 12
PROGRAM # 9314 12:00 PM PDT

California Recall Election.

A special election has been set for Sept 14 to vote on the Republican-led push to recall California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Supporters and opponents agree only on one thing: the future of California is at stake. Pro-recall groups blame Gov. Newsom on poor handling of the pandemic, immigration, expansion of public health care and the state’s high cost of living. Democrats warn that if Republicans prevail, California will lose the progress made on housing and health care access, and protections for immigrants and voting rights. Listeners call in to exchange views in this first debate.

Guests: Hector Barajas, Spokesperson, California Republican Party, Sacramento, CA; California State Sen. Anna Caballero, D-Salinas, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: California Secretary of State/Facebook

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