California Recall Election: A Debate.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JULY 28
PROGRAM # 9331 12:00 PM PDT

California Recall Election: A Debate.

California voters will go to the polls on Sept. 14 to decide whether to recall Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom or not. Republicans have the odds against them, in a heavily Democratic state where Republicans haven’t won a statewide election in fifteen years. The election is seen as a barometer of the public mood towards the national midterm elections. Newsom touts his record on pandemic relief and social spending and says the recall is an “attempt by Trump Republicans to grab control of California.” Republicans say California needs change, lower taxes, and less homeless in the streets. This is a debate.

Guests: State Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, D-LA, Gov. Newsom’s Supporter, Sacramento, CA; Héctor Barajas, Spokesperson, California Republican Party, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: California Independence Movement/Twitter

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