The Latino Vote.

Thursday_673x324 11(1)THURSDAY, AUGUST 27
PROGRAM # 8988 11:00 AM PT

The Latino Vote.

This is a repeat program from the historic archives of Línea Abierta. In this edition, aired at the start of the primary season of 2016, analysts make a critical assessment of the power of the Latino electorate. The numbers of Latino voters are growing fast and they are poised to become a formidable force in key states in this year’s election. Yet, why are so few Latinos seeking citizenship? Why Latino turnout in the last election was the lowest rate ever? Why are the Latinos running for the nation’s highest office taking a hard line on immigration?

Guests: Antonio Gonzalez, President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, Los Angeles, CA; Jens Manuel Krogstad, Writer, Editor, Pew Research Center, Washington, DC.


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