Kavanaugh Vote. Also, California: Newsom vs. Cox. Also, Reaching Out to Voters.

PROGRAM # 8441 12:00 PM PT

Kavanaugh Vote.

Brett Kavanaugh is sworn in as the new Supreme Court Justice after being confirmed in the US Senate by a dramatic and divided vote. Our Washington correspondent reports on the vote and its ramifications towards the midterm elections.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Correspondent, Washington, DC

California: Newsom vs. Cox. Democrat Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and Republican businessman John Cox face off in their first, and perhaps the only, debate in the race for governor of California. Among the issues discussed were housing costs, crime, gun control and Proposition 6. This program includes an exchange between the candidates on the issue of California state sanctuary law and immigration.

Guests: (Audio Segments) Gavin Newsom, Democratic Candidate for Governor, San Francisco, CA; John Cox, Republican Candidate for Governor, San Francisco, CA.

Reaching Out to Voters. On the eve of the voter registration deadlines in Arizona, New Mexico, Florida and Texas, Latino leaders redouble efforts to register citizens to vote on time for the midterm elections. A leading promoter of the Latino vote says Texas is breaking voter registration records and other states are registering voters at levels comparable to presidential elections.

Guests: Ben Monterroso, Executive Director, Mi Familia Vota, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: Fred Schilling Via Wikipedia

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