The First Step: A “Baby Step”?

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, JANUARY 17
PROGRAM # 8523 12:00 PM PT

The First Step: A “Baby Step”?

A “Baby Step”? A package of prison and sentencing reforms known as The First Step was signed into law last month, after an exceptional bipartisan compromise was achieved in Congress. The new law seeks to curb harsh mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenders, reduce recidivism, support early-release programs, and reduce prison population. Civil rights leaders praise it as a modest but positive step forward in the fight for criminal justice reform, while questioning the tools to be used to assess risk when deciding who stays behind bars and who goes home, and the reasons why some sentencing reforms were not made retroactive, and the exclusion of immigrants. Guest analysts explain the new law and discuss its pros and cons. This program is aired in collaboration with “The Justice Collaborative.”

Guests: Michael Collins, Director of National Affairs, Drug Policy Alliance, Washington, DC; Leonard Morales, Attorney, Legal Adviser to LULAC, El Paso, TX; Yraida Guanipa, Former Federal Prisoner, Campaign Leader for Amendment 4, Founder and President, YG Institute, Miami, FL.


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