The Historic New Congress.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 7
PROGRAM # 8515 12:00 PM PT

The Historic New Congress.

The most racially diverse and most female Congress in the history of the US was sworn in this week. Political analysts comment on the new agenda, the first bills, including one on voting rights and an anti-corruption crackdown, legislation to reopen the government, and Latinos to watch in the new Congress. They also comment on the surge of the Latino vote in the midterms, the impact of Latinos in turning 20 congressional districts from red to blue, the free fall of the Republican Party in major Latino regions, and the political autopsy for California.

Guests: Arturo Vargas, Executive Director, NALEO, Los Angeles, CA; Andrea Delgado, Legislative Director, Earthjustice, Washington, DC; Juan Hernández, Conservative Analyst, Guanajuato, MX.

Photo: Alyssa Milano/Twitter

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