The Case against Andrés Cruz.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17.
PROGRAM # 7720 12:00 PM PT

The Case against Andrés Cruz.

Community leaders in California’s Salinas valley raise serious questions about the detention of well-known migrant leader Andrés Cruz, who is facing charges of extortion against fellow indigenous countrymen. As the county moves to prosecute the Triqui Indian leader, activists point to the dearth in the justice system of professionals that have real knowledge of the Triqui language and culture. A family member and community representatives discuss controversial aspects of the case.

Guest: Adan Cruz, son of Andres Cruz, Greenfield, CA; Eulogio Donato, Organizer, UFW, Greenfield, CA; Lauro Barajas, Regional Director, UFW, Salinas, CA; Ana Vargas, Production Assistant, Radio Bilingüe, Salinas, CA.


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