The Census Count: “Street Race.”

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21
PROGRAM # 8548 12:00 PM PT

The Census Count: “Street Race.”

The Census Bureau announced it will continue asking questions on Hispanic origin and race separate for the 2020 Census count, despite efforts to have those questions combined to get more reliable data. Supporters of the separate questions maintain it is necessary to track differences of race because the treatment experienced by Latino people with light skin is different than the one experienced by darker-skinned Latinos. A social researcher comments on this debate and a political analyst gives an update on the trial on the Census citizenship question.

Guests: Angela Manso, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs; NALEO Educational Fund, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Nancy López, Professor of Sociology, Director, Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.


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