El Color de la Justicia.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JULY 10
PROGRAM # 8106 12:00 PM PST.

El Color de la Justicia.

The US has an unprecedented system of mass incarceration, mass deportation and mass criminalization fueled by policies that divide, demonize, and conquer the working class through false news and racial stereotyping. That’s a key point of the enlightening book El Color de la Justicia, whose English version became a bestseller under the title The New Jim Crow. The book sheds light on today’s poisoned political climate and draws parallels between the policies that gave way to the segregationist Jim Crow system and the war against immigrants. This is a conversation with the leading civil rights advocate who wrote the incisive analysis introducing the book.

Guest: Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, LatinoJustice – PRLDEF, New York, NY.

Photo: wikipedia.org

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