Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 27
PROGRAM # 8390 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The election of progressive leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador as president in Mexico has raised expectations of deep change among Mexican migrant groups who seek a place on the table. A newly-elected Mexican senator, who has dual nationality, comments on the migrant agenda of the incoming administration and her plans to serve as a representative of Mexican émigrés, and a Mexican-American analyst examines the anticipated nature of the relations with Trump and the US, and the impact Mexico’s transformations may have on peoples of the entire continent. Listeners called in to request better services in Mexican consulates, technical advice and support for Mexicans interested in investing in their hometowns, establish communication channels between government and Mexicans living in the US, and provide support to the call for immigration reform in the US.

Guests: Nestora Salgado, Newly-Elected Senator of the Nation from Guerrero State, Seattle, WA; Dr. Armando Navarro, a Political Scientist and Professor Emeritus, Department of Ethnic Studies, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA; (audio recording) Pepe Mújica, Former President of Uruguay, Commentary for DW.

Photo: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador/Facebook

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