Extra Edition: Visible at Last. Invisible Community. California Recall Election.

Tuesday_673x324 11amTUESDAY, AUGUST 31
PROGRAM # 9364 11:00 AM PDT

Extra Edition: Visible at Last.

The 2020 US Census gave indigenous communities and multiracial people in California’s Central Valley greater visibility. How significant is the story? What does it mean for those communities going forward?

Guest: Nadia López, Reporter, The Fresno Bee/Central Valley News Collaborative, Fresno, CA

Invisible Community. A Latino city in Arizona grew and local schools are over capacity as enrollment grew in the past decade, but the census says it actually lost residents in that period. How did the undercount happen? Who is getting impacted? What are the potential consequences? How are local leaders reacting to the presumptive undercount?

Guest: Emma Torres, Executive Director, Campesinos sin Fronteras, Somerton, AZ.

California Recall Election. As recall voting is underway in California, voting rights advocates share advice with voters on the importance of the special election and the Latino vote and discuss how to make a plan to vote safely, and find voting resources.

Guest: Gabriela Fernández, Youth Program Manager, Dolores Huerta Foundation, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: 2.census.gov

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