Extra Edition: Measure C in Fresno’s November Ballot.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 20
PROGRAM # 9789 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Measure C in Fresno’s November Ballot.

Voters in Fresno County are being asked to renew Measure C, the transportation plan that allocates half-cent sales tax money for spending on bike lanes, street widening, sidewalks and gutters. Social justice groups oppose the measure arguing that community input was not included in the design, small communities and neighborhoods without basic infrastructure are being left behind, and not enough funds are invested in public transportation. Supporters of the Yes and No campaigns give their arguments.

Guests: Alma Beltran, Mayor, City of Parlier, Yes on C, Parlier, CA; Nayamin Martínez, Executive Director, Central California Environmental Justice Network , No on C, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Robert Linder via Unsplash

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