Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento.

Thursday_673x324 11amTHURSDAY, AUGUST 18
PROGRAM # 9718 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: March from Delano to Sacramento. 

Dozens of farmworkers on their 16th day of a three-week march to Sacramento arrive in Turlock. They push for the right to vote by mail in union elections, safer working conditions and other demands. Participants in the long march talk about those news, the harsh walk amid a scorching sun, and the displays of support they are getting from local people.

Guests:  Antonio Cortés, March Captain, Regional Organizer, UFW, Madera, CA; Miguel Trujillo, Marcher from Delano to Sacramento, Resident of Bakersfield, CA; Teresa Maldonado Mendoza, Marcher to Sacramento.

Photo: UFW via Facebook

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