Extra Edition: Vice Presidential Debate.

Thursday_673x324 11THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8
PROGRAM #9033 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Vice Presidential Debate.

After Trump tested positive for coronavirus, the debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris took place as scheduled in Salt Lake City, Utah. Topics for this, the first and only vice presidential debate included the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, health care insurance, racial justice, and succession at the Supreme Court. After a report on the debate’s highlights, a media analyst comments on the gender politics observed during the exchanges, the clash in the area of unemployment and the economy, and the absence of questions on immigration and family separation as well as the impact on young voters.

Guest: Pilar Marrero, Independent Journalist, Contributing Editor, Ethnic Media Services (EMS), Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: boards.4chan.org

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