Extra Edition.

Thursday_673x324THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3
PROGRAM # 8995 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition.

The US Census Bureau plans to end the census count on September 30, one month ahead of schedule. Without the benefit of in-person contact, advocates of Mayan and Mixtec indigenous migrants in California are resorting to creative ways to reach these communities, considered among the hardest-to-count, especially during this climate of fear of Covid, deportations and anti-immigrant crimes. This program includes interviews with bilingual Mayan and Mixtec indigenous census promoters. It also features a census-themed song interpreted by a trilingual rapper in Mixtec, English and Spanish.

Guests: Audios of Francisco Icala – Maya K’iche, Alberto Pérez Rendón, Former Director, Asociación Mayab, San Francisco, CA; Sebastián Puch, Maya Yucateco, San Francisco, CA; Karent Novelo, Interpreter of Maya Yucateco, San Francisco, CA; Carlos Kahuil – Maya Yucateco, San Francisco, CA; Estela Lucas – Maya Mam Interpreter; Henry Sales, Mam Organizer, Oakland, CA; Oralia Maceda, Executive Director, Frente Indígena Oaxaqueño Binancional –FIOB, Fresno, CA

Photo: U.S. Census Bureau/Facebook

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