Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13
PROGRAM # 8264 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

A debate on immigration reform has began in the US Senate in recent hours, as DACA enters its final three weeks. The leader of the Senate threw his support behind the immigration plan advocated by President Trump. And after ICE agents visited fruit packing houses and agricultural fields in California’s Central Valley, employers report dozens of workers went missing. A packing house worker reports that her poultry company has received notice of inspection by ICE and a farm labor organizer reports about ICE raids in vineyards north of the valley. Analysts comment on these and other stories.

Guests: Luis Magaña, Leader, Organización de Trabajadores Agrícolas, Stockton, CA; Packing House Worker, Pitman Family Farms, Sanger, CA; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Immigration Law Expert, Chicago, IL.


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