Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
PROGRAM # 8432 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

On National Voter Registration Day, thousands hit the streets to reach hundreds of thousands of citizens in need of registration to vote or updating their voter registration. A cofounder of the national day talks about the registration campaign and comments on the Senate hearings and the accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the findings of an opinion poll among Latino voters, that show that a vast majority believe he should withdraw his nomination. In addition, the Trump administration is proposing a new rule that would alter the definition of public charge, denying the green card to immigrants who have received public benefits such as Medicaid, Medicare Part D, SSI, assistance for public housing Section 8, and food stamps. These and other stories are discussed in this edition.

Guests: Maria Teresa Kumar, President and CEO, Voto Latino, Washington, D.C.; Larry Kleinman, Political Analyst, Program Host Radio Movimiento, Co-Founder, PCUN, Woodburn, OR.


Photo: National Voter Registration Day/Facebook

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