Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, MARCH 14
PROGRAM # 9944 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

Investigative reporters tell the dramatic story of a Nicaraguan migrant child’s death on a farm in Wisconsin, the failed sheriff’s investigation that followed, and the serious questions this death raises about the immigration system and the fate of immigrant workers and their families on dairy farms in the Midwest. Also, bipartisan senators introduced yet again the Dream Act, while another bill to reform the Registry provision in the current immigration law was introduced in the House. Finally, residents in Kern county rally in support of immigrant detainees on hunger strike in Mesa Verde.

Guests: Maryam Jameel, Reporter, “What Happened to Jefferson Rodriguez” Story, ProPublica, Washington, DC; Others TBA.

Photo: Michael Leland via Flickr

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