Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324  12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 23
PROGRAM # 9723 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

A report on today’s primaries in Florida, where key campaigns are waging an intense battle for Latino voters. Also, in California, immigrant-rights advocates are launching a campaign to reach out to Latino and immigrant voters to “flex their political muscle this November.” In other news, a federal court agreed to hear a civil rights action from over 100 Latino workers who allege ICE and IRS agents violated their rights during a workplace raid at a Tennessee meat processing plant.

Guests: Julia Solórzano, Senior Staff Attorney, Southern Poverty Law Center, Montgomery, AL; Angélica Salas, Executive Director, CHIRLA, Los Angeles, CA (TBC); Gerardo Guzmán, News Contributor, Atlanta, GA; TBA.

Photo: Janine Robinson via Unsplash

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