Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324 12pmTUESDAY, AUGUST 16
PROGRAM # 9716 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The Republican candidate for governor of Arizona vows to make a “declaration of invasion” for the US-Mexico border on her first day in office. What’s the meaning of this hard-right rhetoric? The Democratic candidate gives her views on this issue and proposes a plan for the border crisis. In other news, activists are stepping up the pressure on Congress for federal legislation to establish legal representation for every immigrant facing deportation, a right to high-quality, universal legal representation. Finally, a report from the 335-mile long march from Delano to Sacramento by union activists who seek union voting rights, and visas and citizenship for farmworkers.

Guests: Katie Hobbs, Candidate for Arizona Governor, Phoenix, AZ; Verónica Mota, Member, UFW, Marcher, Atwater, CA; Antonio Cortés, Captain of the March and Regional Organizer, UFW, Atwater, CA; Nancy Treviño, Associate Director for Network Power, Alianza Americas, Boulder, CO.

Photo: The Kari Lake via facebook

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