Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22
PROGRAM # 8721 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

California is banning private prisons and for-profit immigrant detention centers, forcing the federal government to close four jails for migrants in the state. Analysts comment on this historic state law, preceded by a similar one in Illinois, and on the hunger strike by immigrant inmates who protest bad treatment and poor food at the Tacoma detention center, which is managed by the company GEO Group. An expert also comments on controversial tactics by immigrations authorities, which lure immigrants by mailing out fake court dates and detain immigrant married to citizen spouses when they show up for marriage interviews.

Guests: Grisel Ruiz, Supervising Attorney, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, San Francisco, CA; Merlyn Hernández, Advocacy and Congressional Liaison, Southern California Chapter, American Immigration Lawyers Association – AILA, Los Angeles, CA; Maru Mora Villalpando, Director, Latino Advocacy, Organizer, Northwest Detention Center Resistance, Tacoma, WA.


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