Immigration Edition.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, JANUARY 22
PROGRAM # 8526 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

The war on terror, climate change, and other calamities have forced millions to migrate exposing them to fall victims of human trafficking and other grave risks. In his new book, “Humanitarianism and Migration,” a distinguished scholar examines this issue and envisions plans to help displaced communities. On other news, a legal analyst comments on the not so considerable impact on immigrant families of the cancellation of tens of thousands of immigration hearings due to the government shutdown. On more news: the US Supreme Court decided not to take up the case of DACA for this term, leaving protections in place – Dreamer leaders hail the decision and call on DACA beneficiarias to continue renovating their permits; and Democratic lawmakers introduce bill proposing a Blue Card to provide legal-status to farm workers.

Guests: Dr. Marcelo Suárez-Orozco, Dean and Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, Co-Director, Institute for Immigration, Globalization and Education, UCLA, Editor of the Book “Humanitarianism and Migration,” Los Angeles, CA; Attorney Rosalba Piña, Expert on Immigration Law, Chicago, IL.


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