Where is Soldier Vanessa Guillén? Also, Landmark LGBT Civil Rights Decision.

Wednesday_673x324WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24
PROGRAM # 8924 12:00 PM PT

Where is Soldier Vanessa Guillén?

After months of search and pleas for help from the family, the Army is launching an investigation on allegations that a missing soldier was sexually harassed by superiors before disappearing in her military base. Vanessa Guillén was last seen by her barracks at Fort Hood near Austin, Texas, and her belongings were found in the armory room. What happened on that base? Latino leaders join the call for an investigation.

Guests: TBA.

Landmark LGBT Civil Rights Decision. The US Supreme Court ruled that employers can’t fire a worker on the basis of their sexual orientation or transgender status, a landmark civil rights ruling that for the first time provides job protections for LGBT workers. What does it mean? What are the implications in areas such as employment, health and housing?

Guests: TBA.

Photo: Find Vanessa Guillen/Facebook

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