Day of Primaries.

Tuesday_673x324TUESDAY, MARCH 17
PROGRAM # 8832 12:00 PM PT

Day of Primaries.

With efforts to keep voters safe at the polls, Arizona, Florida, and Illinois hold primaries today, in an ambience of fear and restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak. Ohio postponed its presidential primary to June citing the public health emergency. The Democratic race is down to a one-on-one between presidential hopefuls Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Political organizers discuss the candidates positions on matters such as the coronavirus response, immigration, the Latino vote, and the promise to name a woman for the vice presidential ticket. The program includes news about the dramatic “shelter in place” order to have seven million people around the San Francisco Bay Area to stay at home and help stop the spread of COVID-19. It also includes practical advice on how to prevent contagion.

Guests: (audio) Congressman Dr. Raul Ruiz, D-Coachella, Washington, D.C.; Lizet Ocampo, Political Director, People For the American Way, Washington, DC; Jessica Mejia, California State Director, Biden for President, Sacramento, CA.


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