Racial Healing Day. Also, Tribute to Civil Rights Icon.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, JANUARY 17
PROGRAM # 9506 12:00 PM PT

Racial Healing Day.

Stating that it is time for the US to reckon with racism and healing is at the heart of racial equity, leaders from philanthropy and media, and culture-bearers are calling for another national day of racial healing to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr’s holiday. Today, they are promoting community conversations to speak out against racism and invest in racial healing. A top leader explains the goals of this coordinated action in dozens of cities.

Guest: Dr. Icela Pelayo, Program Officer, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Strategic Partner for the Truth, Racial Healing Transformation Initiative, Leader of the National Racial Healing Day, Battle Creek, MI.

Tribute to Civil Rights Icon. The University of California, Los Angeles last month named its labor center building in honor of civil and labor rights icon Rev. James Lawson Jr. Lawson is recognized as a top leader of the national civil rights and labor rights movements and a very close friend of Martin Luther King Jr. During the ceremony, Latino leaders reflected on the teachings of the veteran leader for the new generation of activists.

Guests: State Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles; Dr. Gaspar Rivera Salgado, Professor, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Leslie Ayala, College Student, Dreamer, Los Angeles, CA; Liliana Hernandez, Union Organizer, Los Angeles, CA; Guillermo Torres, Community Organizer, CLUE, Los Angeles, CA.

Photo: tulsa2021.org

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