Election Day: Hour 3.

Tuesday_673x324 71TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3
PROGRAM #9071 4:00 PM PT

Election Day: Hour 3.

Reporters bring news about the closing of the polls in some states and the beginning of the vote counting, including the first projections. While public opinion is used to speedy unofficial results on Election Night, this time the close elections in many states may delay the results for several days after Election Day.

Guests: Larry Kleinman, Political Commentator, Radio Poder, PCUN, Salem, OR; Francisco Rios, News Director, KDNA, Granger, WA; Elvia Diaz, Editor, The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ; Lydia Camarillo, President, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project & The William C. Velásquez Institute, San Antonio, TX.

Photo: fairfaxcounty.gov

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