Election Day: Hour 2.

Tuesday_673x324 70TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3
PROGRAM #9070 12:00 PM PT

Election Day: Hour 2.

On today’s historic election, millions go to the polls to finally cast their vote in person amid emergency measures to protect against a global pandemic. Reporters calling from key battleground states give accounts about the voter turnout, efforts to protect the vote by thousands of monitors, the deployment of bilingual hotlines to give timely assistance to Latino voters and reports about voter interference and intimidation.

Guests: Alma Hernandez, Executive Director, SEIU California, Los Angeles, CA; Rep. Sylvia Garcia, Houston, TX; Raul Feliciano Sanchez, Reporter, Houston, TX; Gerardo Guzman, News Director, Hispanic News Service – HNS, Atlanta, GA; Elvia Diaz, Reporter, Phoenix, AZ.

Photo: fairfaxcounty.gov

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