Election Day: The Eve.


PROGRAM # 7923 12:00PM PT.

Election Day: The Eve.

Amid great expectation and as poll show a close race in key states, early voting is breaking record numbers. Tens of millions have already voted early and voter turnout continues surging on the eve of Election Day. In this special, two-hour edition, reporters give a roundup on early voting turnout in battleground states, and on widespread efforts to promote as well as discourage the early vote in Latino areas. Analysts also comment on races to watch, and the issues driving voters to the polls.

Guests: Lydia Camarillo, Vice President, Southwest Voter Registration Project, San Antonio, TX; Juan Cartagena, President and General Counsel, Latino Justice – PRLDF, New York, NY; Gabriel Villalobos, Host and Creative Director, Medios Hispanos, KNUV, Phoenix, AZ; Francisco Heredia, National Field Director, Mi Familia Vota, Phoenix, AZ.

Photo: thinkprogress.org

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