César Chavez Day and LGBT Teens.

Monday_673x324MONDAY, APRIL 2
PROGRAM # 8298 12:00 PM PT

César Chavez Day and LGBT Teens.

Warning that LGBT kids who are alone, isolated and poor often fall victims of depression and suicide attempts, community organizers in rural areas of the California desert are reaching out to the youth in order to provide trans counseling and mental health care. They are also raising awareness among school administrators about the scourge of harassment and cyber-bullying. Young leaders are also organizing an annual LGBTQ Pride Festival, a first-of-its-kind for the area. This program, aired the day after Cesar Chavez Day weekend, begins with a report about the day when iconic leader Cesar Chavez gave a speech at the National Gay and Lesbian mega-rally in Washington, DC, in 1987.

Guests: Alexis Ortega, Director of Community Engagement, The LGBT Community Center of the Desert, Palm Springs, CA; Miguel Navarro, Executive Assistant, The LGBT Community Center of the Desert, Palm Springs, CA; Angel Flores, High School Student, Coachella, CA; Rosie Méndez, High School Student, Coachella, CA.

Photo: equalvoiceforfamilies.org/psypost.org

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